Marotek Electric Capstan vinsch
Typ: K-EP 3000
Pulling: W.L.
Speed: 12 m/min
Warping head: 405 x
Motor: IEC132-4 / 6,5 kW-S2 / 400V-50Hz / utan broms
Gearbox: Planetary gearbox, high quality industrial inkl oljepåfylln.
Paint system: Sand blasted SA2,5/150µm marine paint system 2K bleu RAL 5002
Protection: IP55
Class of mechanism: T4-L2-M4 (fem 1.001 and ISO 4301/1)
Foot control: Marotek controlbox (D.O.L.), 5 mtr kabel, med foot switch.
Pris: SEK 60.943 / D.KR. 54.709 (Valutakurs 2013)